The experiments show that after freezing and thawing, the coefficient of compressibility is larger than that of the intact soil. 试验结果表明:黏土冻融后,压缩系数大于原状土的压缩系数;
This formula concerned the upper loading and a series of model parameters, such as the effective angle of internal friction, the effective cohesive intercept, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K_0, the modulus of compressibility, the modulus of resilience and so on. 它不但与上覆荷重和有效内摩擦角有关,而且与有效内凝聚力、静止土压力系数、土的压缩模量和回弹模量等一系列本构模型参数有关。
The methods for determining coefficient of reconsolidation volume compressibility and reconsolidation index are given. 提出再固结体积压缩系数和再固结压缩指数的概念并给出其确定方法。
The re-consolidation deformation law of soil is analysed and a method of determining coefficient of volume compressibility is suggested. 讨论土体的再团结变形规律,提出再固结体积压缩系数的确定方法。
It is found that the flow fluctuation coefficient of the pumps is one magnitude order higher than that when the fluid compressibility is neglected and, moreover, it is not affected by the parity of piston number. 求得轴向柱塞泵瞬时流量脉动系数比工作介质不可压缩时大一个数量级,且与柱塞数的奇偶性无关。
Pointed out by the impact of water content, soil samples of silty clay void ratio, coefficient compressibility, modulus of compressibility, cohesion intercept and other indicators of physical and mechanical properties have changed resulting in project pile traits change. 指出受含水量的影响,粉粘土土样的孔隙比、压缩系数、压缩模量、粘聚力等物理力学性质指标发生了变化,导致桩的工程性状发生变化。
Therefore, provided the dense coefficient matrix possesses a high degree of wavelet compressibility, the compact compression algorithm will remain efficient even if the coefficient matrix becomes too large to be accommodated in the memory. 这样,即使当系数矩阵的规模超出内存以及虚拟内存若干倍时,紧压缩算法仍然可以高效地运转,只要稠密系数矩阵具有足够的小波可压缩性。
As the solution concentration increases, its parameters such as mass, specific gravity of soil particles, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, coefficient of compressibility a1-2 have increased, void has decreased, when the soil samples eroded by NaOH. NaOH溶液侵蚀的土样,随着溶液浓度增加,土样的质量、比重、液限、塑限、塑性指数、压缩系数a1-2均有增加,孔隙比降低。